Privacy Policy

The administration of the online store guarantees full confidentiality of the registration and other information received from users. All information is stored in a secure database. It is also guaranteed that the information about the customer will only be used to fulfill the order received from that customer. If you have any problems or questions related to registration, authorization, and processing of received orders, please contact us by email at or use the feedback form located on the Contacts page.


  1. Graphics and some other objects on the site are the property of the online store Partial or full copying of them, as well as their use, is determined by the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
  2. Some pages of the online store contain links that allow you to go to third-party websites. is not responsible for the information published on these sites – links are published only for the convenience of obtaining information by site visitors.
  3. Analysis and processing of personal data occur within 3 working days from the receipt of the order.


  1. The administration of the online store guarantees that the information received from customers will not be passed to third parties under any circumstances, except as provided by the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
  2. When placing an order, the system of the online store will ask you to register on the site (optional) and provide personal information: first name, middle name, last name, email address, phone number, delivery address. This information will only be used to process the received order and can be changed or supplemented by the customer at any time from their password-protected personal account. Access to authorization pages is carried out using SSL protocol.
  3. For additional information provision, with the consent of customers, the online store may send emails about updates to the range, ongoing and planned promotions, and news to the email address provided during registration. At any time, the customer can opt out of the newsletter from their personal account.
  4. The operation of the online store uses "cookie" technology (as do many other sites). Without the use of this technology, working with the cart is impossible.
  5. The information published on the pages of is for informational purposes. Changes to them may be made at any time without prior notice to anyone.
  6. By this, the visitor confirms their consent to the use of their personal data by the administration of the online store or its authorized person for purposes defined by the Public Offer in various ways, including through automated analysis of personal data, without limitation of the term of validity. According to Article 5 of the "Personal Data Law", this consent may be revoked only under the condition of written notification at least 5 calendar days before the anticipated date of termination of the use of personal data